Responsible Investments

At Ture Invest, ESG-factors are key in every investment decision, and we are committed to maintaining the highest ESG standards. In practise, firstly we apply strict exclusion criteriums in the screening process. Example of sectors we do not invest in includes weapons, tobacco, commercial gambling and fossil fuels. Secondly, when carrying out due diligence of a potential investment, ESG risks and opportunities form an integrated part of the analysis of the company and the industry. Thirdly, in our direct loans, we offer an ESG-toggles meaning that if the issuer meets pre-agreed ESG- targets they receive a discount on the cash interest.

For sustainability related disclosures, please see below:

Open file - Sustainability-related disclosures for investors in Ture Credit Fund III

Open file – Ture Invest Partners AB - No consideration of sustainability adverse impacts of investments decisions on sustainability factors

Open file - Ture Invest Partners AB - Policy on integration of sustainability risks in the investment process